Hand applied bitumen compound joint sealant
Primaseal is a cold hand applied, thixotropic bitumen compound designed for sealing joints. Supplied in easily handled buckets for immediate use cold, Primaseal provides a safer roadside working environment, as well as fulfilling the functions of primer tackcoat and a self healing joint compound.
Principal uses:
- Painting vertical faces on hot rolled asphalt and coated macadam wearing and base course.
- Painting vertical faces on patches and reinstatements.
- As a quality tack coat applied to the base of patches and reinstatements.
Primaseal is supplied in 20kgs plastic buckets with lids and handles. The rate of coverage for Primaseal should be 0.7 – 1.5kg/m2 depending on the texture and porosity of the surface and the application method.
- Protect from frost or extremes of heat. The shelf life without the danger of excessive settlement is six months.
- Surfaces must be free from dust, grease and fuel spillage before commencing application. No tack coat is required for Primaseal.
- A soft fibre or turks head brush should be used to apply Primaseal. The brush must be damp using clean water and any excess water shaken off before commencing application.
- Then using a full brush of material, brush evenly in one direction, covering the whole face of the joint. In very hot weather, application will be easier if the joint surface is slightly dampened. Do not apply in wet or freezing conditions.
In normal circumstances surfacing can commence within 15 minutes. The application of hot carpets rapidly completes the drying. Drying will be delayed in cold, damp and humid weather.
Wash brushes immediately after use in a detergent solution. If the material has cures, soak in paraffin and then wash in soapy water.
- Primaseal is a cold applied bitumen emulsion, thereby avoiding hazards of hot work and fuming associated with similar compounds.
- Primaseal fully complies with BS EN 13808 and the specification for Highway Works Volume 1 900 series.