Hand applied bitumen compound joint sealant
Jetspray is manufactured from Bitumen, Water and Emulsifiers. It can be regarded as a dispertion of Bitumen in water. Its main advantage is that the high viscosity of cold Bitumen is retained in a form which can be used easily at a wide range of temperature. When Jetspray “breaks” the correct grade of Bitumen is immediately serving its purpose.
Jetspray emulsion is compatible with a range of Northern Irish aggregates from limestone, gritstone and basalt. It will break within 3 – 20 minutes.
- Manufactured to ISO 9001:2008 Quality Production System
- Conforms with BS EN 13808:2013 Bitumen and bituminous binders framework for specifying cationic bituminous emulsions.
Typical uses of Jetspray are as an aggregate binder, tack coat and in specialist Highway Maintenance Systems.
- Being water based it has obvious environmental and conservational advantages.
- No fire risk.
- Low temperature application minimises hazards from fuming.
Store in a safe place. Protect from frost. The shelf life of Jetspray emulsion is a minimum of 8 weeks after the date of delivery / collection.
- Weather Restrictions
The road surface temperature should be not less than 5°C. It should not be used during periods of heavy rain. In all cases, the surface to be treated must be free from frost, ice, snow and standing water.Storage and Shelf life
Store in a safe place. Protect from frost. The shelf life of Jetspray emulsion is a minimum of 8 weeks after the date of delivery / collection.Characteristics
The rate at which Jetspray “breaks” is influenced by many factors including:- Weather conditions
- Absorption of water through surfaces in contact 3. Emulsifying agent used in manufacture
- Composition
- Mechanical forces such as trafficking