Asset Management

Asset Management services from Colas JV

Formed in 2013 following the award by Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) of the Motorway Maintenance and Renewal Contract for Network B

Colas  JV (CJV) brings together one of the largest civil engineering consortiums in Ireland with Colas Teoranta and Colas Ltd.

Colas Teoranta subsidiary companies have pioneered road maintenance products and processes in Ireland since their foundation in the 1930s. They have established a tradition of market leadership, quality, reliability, innovation, and engineering excellence.

Colas Ltd is a forward thinking, award-winning business, delivering sustainable solutions for the design, construction and maintenance of the UK’s transport infrastructure.

Motorway Maintenance & Renewals Contract

The Motorway Maintenance and Renewals Contract was established in 2013 as a mechanism for Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) to maintain the national road network consisting of Motorway/Dual Carriageway. Network B is managed by Colas JV and includes the Midlands/West of the country with 256km of carriageway and includes parts of the N/M4, N/M6, M7, N19, M20 and N85. Additionally, 34km of regional dual carriageway referred to as Tasked Maintenance Areas is included in the contract.

Colas JV employs 65 full time staff in the delivery of the MMaRC contract, distributed across 4 maintenance depots in Kinnegad, Athlone, Nenagh and Ennis. Services include:

  • Routine maintenance of the road network assets including pavement, structures, drainage, barrier and landscaping.
  • Incident response – responding to incidents on the Network in support of the emergency services, repairs to asset damage.
  • Winter service – winter maintenance service.
  • Renewals – undertaking asset improvement, replacement, rehabilitation, and renewal works.
  • TM training

Driving a Sustainable Future: Our Sustainability Journey

At COLAS Joint Venture, sustainability is not just a goal; it’s a core value that guides our actions every day. We understand the urgent need to address climate change and are committed to leading by example. Our CO₂ Performance Ladder initiative represents our pledge to significantly reduce our carbon footprint and create a more sustainable future for all. 1

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MMaRC Network B

See where Colas JV provide services



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Gearóid Lohan

Chief Executive Officer

00 353 (0)1 456 4244

Gregory Held

Chief Financial Officer

00 353 (0)1 456 4244

Niall Lyons

General Manager

+353 (0) 89 4959416

Michael Lynch

Strategic Project Manager

087 199 0822