Additive for long term adhesion in hot binders.

TPH is a concentrated mix of alkyl-amidoamines and polyethylene amines used as an adhesive agent for hot binders to ensure a better bitumen/aggregate bond.


Chemoran Products

    Surface Dressing

    Cationic Emulsifier.

    CDAL is a Cationic Emulsifier designed for medium setting bitumen emulsions and cold mix applications.


    Designed for use in fast breaking emulsions with high viscosity.

    X2TDC(R) is a mix of fatty imidazoline derivates and amidoamines diluted in inert solvents. X2TDC(R) can be used with Paraphinic bitmumen, and also SBS modified bitumen.


    Fast breaking emulsifier for use with both naphthenic and paraffinic bitumen.

    TNB, is a mix of fatty imidazoline derivates and amidoamines designed for fast-breaking emulsions with intermediate viscosity, can be used with both naphtenic and parrafinic bitumen.


    Designed for use in fast-breaking emulsion with low viscosity.

    TDC(R) is a fatty amidoamine designed for use in fast-breaking emulsion with low viscosity with both polymer bitumen and hard bitumen.


    Designed for use in low-viscosity, fast-breaking emulsions.

    TCMC is a blend of fatty imidazolines and amidoamines designed for the manufacture of low-viscosity, fast-breaking emulsions using a wide range of bitumens including naphtenic bitumens.


    A bitumen additive used to improve cohesion in emulsions made using paraffinic bitumen.

    CDML is a bitumen additive. It improves the cohesion build-up of micro-surfacing made with paraffinic bitumen. CDML can also be used for rapid setting emulsions to increase their viscosity and speed-up the cohesion build-up of the emulsion for surface dressing application.


    A bitumen additive used to improve cohesion in emulsions made using paraffinic bitumen.

    CDM is a bitumen additive. It improves the cohesion build-up of micro-surfacing made with paraffinic bitumen. CDM can also be used for rapid setting emulsions to increase their viscosity and speed-up the cohesion build-up of the emulsion for surface dressing application.


    Used in the inversion of natural latex for cationic emulsions.

    CHT is an aqueous solution of diazotized amphoteric ingredients used in the inversion of natural latex for cationic emulsions.


    Cold Mix Asphalts

    Cationic Emulsifier.

    CDAL is a Cationic Emulsifier designed for medium setting bitumen emulsions and cold mix applications.


    Designed for emulsions used in cold mixes.

    MDC is a special blend of fatty nitrogen compounds designed for emulsions used in cold mixes like microsurfacing and grave emulsion.


    Cationic Emulsifier for grave emulsion, micro-surfacing and cold mix applications.

    GAP is a special blend of fatty nitrogen compounds in an inert solvent. GAP is used in the manufacture of mixing grade bitumen emulsions for cold mixes, grave emulsion and micro-surfacing.


    Cationic emulsifier for slow setting and slurry seal emulsions and as a retardant for micro-surfacing.

    CQA-1 is a quaternary amonuim salt designed for use as cationic emulsifier for slow setting and slurry seal emulsions and as retardant for micro-surfacing.


    CTAL is a Cationic Emulsifier designed for slow setting bitumen emulsions and cold mix applications.


    A fatty polyamine solid cationic emulsifier.

    CTA is a fatty polyamine solid cationic emulsifier designed for slow setting bitumen emulsions, used in grave emulsions, cold micro asphalt and cold mix applications.


    Designed for bitumen emulsions with a Neutral pH.

    AFM is an amphoteric emulsifier used in the manufacture of bitumen emulsions with a neutral pH, but could be also anionic or cationic. This amphoteric emulsifier can be used to manufacture emulsions used for microsurfacing, tack-coating, prime-coating and in cold mixes such as grave emulsion, and emulsions for soil stabilisation.


    Adhesion Agents

    Additive for short term adhesion in hot binders.

    XTX (R) is a mix of fatty imidazoline / amidoamine derivatives and polyethylene amines designed for use as a "short-term only" adhesive agent for hot binders to ensure a better bitumen/aggregate bond.


    Additive for long term adhesion in hot binders.

    TPH is a concentrated mix of alkyl-amidoamines and polyethylene amines used as an adhesive agent for hot binders to ensure a better bitumen/aggregate bond.


    Latex Inverter

    Used in the inversion of natural latex for cationic emulsions.

    CHT is an aqueous solution of diazotized amphoteric ingredients used in the inversion of natural latex for cationic emulsions.


    Bitumen Additives

    A bitumen additive used to improve cohesion in emulsions made using paraffinic bitumen.

    CDML is a bitumen additive. It improves the cohesion build-up of micro-surfacing made with paraffinic bitumen. CDML can also be used for rapid setting emulsions to increase their viscosity and speed-up the cohesion build-up of the emulsion for surface dressing application.


    A bitumen additive used to improve cohesion in emulsions made using paraffinic bitumen.

    CDM is a bitumen additive. It improves the cohesion build-up of micro-surfacing made with paraffinic bitumen. CDM can also be used for rapid setting emulsions to increase their viscosity and speed-up the cohesion build-up of the emulsion for surface dressing application.


    Tack Coat with Hard Bitumens

    Cationic Emulsifier for medium setting and cold mix applications.

    CDA is a Cationic Emulsifier for medium setting bitumen emulsions and cold mix applications.


    Designed for use in fast-breaking emulsion with low viscosity.

    TDC(R) is a fatty amidoamine designed for use in fast-breaking emulsion with low viscosity with both polymer bitumen and hard bitumen.


    Anti Stick Agent

    Cationic Emulsifier.

    CDAL is a Cationic Emulsifier designed for medium setting bitumen emulsions and cold mix applications.


    Designed for use in fast breaking emulsions with high viscosity.

    X2TDC(R) is a mix of fatty imidazoline derivates and amidoamines diluted in inert solvents. X2TDC(R) can be used with Paraphinic bitmumen, and also SBS modified bitumen.


    Fast breaking emulsifier for use with both naphthenic and paraffinic bitumen.

    TNB, is a mix of fatty imidazoline derivates and amidoamines designed for fast-breaking emulsions with intermediate viscosity, can be used with both naphtenic and parrafinic bitumen.


    Designed for use in fast-breaking emulsion with low viscosity.

    TDC(R) is a fatty amidoamine designed for use in fast-breaking emulsion with low viscosity with both polymer bitumen and hard bitumen.


    Designed for use in low-viscosity, fast-breaking emulsions.

    TCMC is a blend of fatty imidazolines and amidoamines designed for the manufacture of low-viscosity, fast-breaking emulsions using a wide range of bitumens including naphtenic bitumens.


    A bitumen additive used to improve cohesion in emulsions made using paraffinic bitumen.

    CDML is a bitumen additive. It improves the cohesion build-up of micro-surfacing made with paraffinic bitumen. CDML can also be used for rapid setting emulsions to increase their viscosity and speed-up the cohesion build-up of the emulsion for surface dressing application.


    A bitumen additive used to improve cohesion in emulsions made using paraffinic bitumen.

    CDM is a bitumen additive. It improves the cohesion build-up of micro-surfacing made with paraffinic bitumen. CDM can also be used for rapid setting emulsions to increase their viscosity and speed-up the cohesion build-up of the emulsion for surface dressing application.


    Used in the inversion of natural latex for cationic emulsions.

    CHT is an aqueous solution of diazotized amphoteric ingredients used in the inversion of natural latex for cationic emulsions.


    Warm Mix Additive

    Chemoran Warm Mix Additive

    CWM BG1 is a mixture of surface active agents used as an additive for bitumen. Hot Mixes manufactured with bitumen containing CWM BG1 are known as Warm Mixes as they can be manufactured at lower than normal temperatures and laid at temperatures as low as 120°C.


    Chemoran Warm Mix Additive

    CWM is a mixture of surface active agents used as an additive for bitumen. Hot Mixes manufactured with bitumen containing CWM are known as Warm Mixes as they can be manufactured at lower than normal temperatures and laid at temperatures as low as 120°C.



    Cationic emulsifier for use in micro-surfacing.

    Designed for bitumen emulsions TT is used in cold micro asphalt, with paraffinic or naphthenic bitumen and hydrochloric acid. It can be used with or without bitumen additive CDM, and with or without CQA-1 as a dope.


    Designed for use in micro-surfacing and grave emulsions.

    TLC is a mix of fatty imidazoline derivatives and amidoamines designed for emulsions used in cold micro asphalt.


    Designed for use in micro-surfacing emulsions with paraffinic bitumen and Phosphoric acid.

    CPM-P is a mix of fatty imidazoline derivatives and amidoamines designed for emulsions used in cold micro asphalt, with parrafinic bitumen and phosphoric acid.


    Anti-stick release agent for bituminous mixtures.

    ASC is a highly effective anti-stick release agent for use when working with bituminous mixtures. It prevents bituminous mixtures from sticking to the beds of delivery trucks, paver hoppers, roller drums, the sleighs of micro-surfacing trucks and hand tools such as shovels, rakes, buckets, etc. ASC replaces the use of diesel or other hazardous hydrocarbon fluids for the cleaning of equipment and tools.


    Designed for emulsions used in cold mixes.

    MDC is a special blend of fatty nitrogen compounds designed for emulsions used in cold mixes like microsurfacing and grave emulsion.


    Cationic Emulsifier for grave emulsion, micro-surfacing and cold mix applications.

    GAP is a special blend of fatty nitrogen compounds in an inert solvent. GAP is used in the manufacture of mixing grade bitumen emulsions for cold mixes, grave emulsion and micro-surfacing.


    Cationic emulsifier for slow setting and slurry seal emulsions and as a retardant for micro-surfacing.

    CQA-1 is a quaternary amonuim salt designed for use as cationic emulsifier for slow setting and slurry seal emulsions and as retardant for micro-surfacing.


    A fatty polyamine solid cationic emulsifier.

    CTA is a fatty polyamine solid cationic emulsifier designed for slow setting bitumen emulsions, used in grave emulsions, cold micro asphalt and cold mix applications.


    A bitumen additive used to improve cohesion in emulsions made using paraffinic bitumen.

    CDML is a bitumen additive. It improves the cohesion build-up of micro-surfacing made with paraffinic bitumen. CDML can also be used for rapid setting emulsions to increase their viscosity and speed-up the cohesion build-up of the emulsion for surface dressing application.


    A bitumen additive used to improve cohesion in emulsions made using paraffinic bitumen.

    CDM is a bitumen additive. It improves the cohesion build-up of micro-surfacing made with paraffinic bitumen. CDM can also be used for rapid setting emulsions to increase their viscosity and speed-up the cohesion build-up of the emulsion for surface dressing application.
