Cationic 65

CE marked Patching Emulsion

Cationic 65 is a CE marked Patching Emulsion produced by COLAS Bitumen Emulsions in accordance with IS EN 13808:2013 Bitumen and Bituminous Binders.


Cationic 65

Cationic 65:

  • For use in the repair of pot-holes on all roads;
  • Can be applied by hand or by using specialist patching units;
  • Application temperature is 65 to 75°C;
  • If stored over a prolonged period, it should be stored at 40 to 60°C, protected from frost and circulated and heated to 70°C before spraying.

Composition 160-220 pen bitumen, water bitumen emulsifiers, adhesion agents and fluxant. Temperature; Application temperature 65-75°C.

  • Store in Insulated, heated tanks with thermostatic control.
  • Storage temperature 40-70°C for long term storage.
  • Before spraying heat to 65-75°C and circulate.
  • Precautions non-flammable but will boil and develop steam pressure above 90°C .

Bitumen Emulsions